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Serving the Coastal Bend Area

Keep Your Home or Business Safe with Termite Prevention

Termites are secretive consumers of your home structure. They feed on your home or business indiscriminately. If it’s wood, it’s food. It’s always a good idea to have your home inspected for termites on a regular basis. Catching these insects early avoids major damage and costly repairs. If an inspection reveals an infestation of any size, the pros at Earth Dwellers will help you choose the best method for removal and protection from further visits. 

Terminate any Termite Issues

We use people and pet friendly methods such as bait stations to rid your home of termites. Additionally, we can create a border of protection that will drive these insects away from your home, keeping you from further termite infestations. 

Residential Pest Control — Ingleside, TX — Earth Dwellers IPM Consulting

Termites come from the ground up to your home. By using a subterranean perimeter, we can keep them from coming up the foundation of your home or business, making it safer. 

Call us today for an inspection and a termite consultation. Let Earth Dwellers save the day for you.

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